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Black Magick Blend


Black Currant | Fig | Toasted Marshmallow

Our darkest roast. Named after a certain amp shrouded in mystery that was reportedly used to record one of the seminal debut albums of the classic rock era, Black Magick is our take on the darker side of coffee.  We don't roast any beans to the point that they taste burnt, but we do take this blend right to the edge of our comfort zone.  The key to our approach is that the coffee remains fruity, sweet, and balanced--there are no bitter or harsh flavors, no smoky ashtray notes, just a lush and deeply satisfying cup that redefines what a dark roast can be.  12oz. or 5lb. bag of whole beans.  

Current blend:

- 100% Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Vides Family Farms.   This coffee is sourced from farms owned by the Vides Family, founded by Jorge Vides in 1958.  The family converted entirely to specialty coffee production in 2001, and won second place in the Guatemalan Cup of Excellence in 2002.  Bourbon, Caturra varietals, fully washed process, 4,900 feet above sea level.

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